Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Paid Internship with the Smithsonsian


We are recruiting for the Goldman Sachs Interns & Fellows Office (IFO) Multicultural Junior Fellows program. This internship has a stipend of $6000 for the selected student (10 weeks full-time or 20 weeks part-time). Please send to your best students! The internship will start in January 2013 (some flexibility on the specific start date).

There is a quick turnaround! Please have them email Noriko Sanefuji, ( with their résumé and cc: me – Deadline will be Friday November 30, 2012 @11:59pm.

Here is the project description:

Research & Collection/Asian-Pacific American - The Sweet & Sour: A Look at the History of Chinese Food in the United States showcase opened at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History on March 17, 2011. The showcase will be developed into a traveling exhibition through the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) in 2014. The showcase represents a milestone within an ongoing initiative by the National Museum of American History to focus on its Chinese American history and culture collections. The project called for collecting a variety of Chinese restaurant-related objects ranging from menus to restaurant signs to cooking implements, which would provide a glimpse into the long history of Chinese immigration, exclusion, exoticism, and perseverance. The “O Say Can You See?” blog was developed in May 2010 to accompany the showcase and features blog posts on a variety of topics, including the origin of the fortune cookie and traditional Chinese New Year cuisine. For the proposed internship project, the candidate will aide with research, blogging, and collecting oral histories of local D.C. Chinese restaurants for the Sweet & Sour traveling exhibition. The candidate will assist with building a database on Asian Pacific American artifacts at the National Museum of American History (NMAH). In addition, he/she will be involved with the collection and caring of objects.

My contact is below if you have any questions or concerns!

Omar A. Eaton-Martínez, M.Ed.
Intern & Fellows Program Manager
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History
14th St. & Constitution Ave., NW
MRC 605 P.O. Box 37012
Washington DC 20013-7012
Room 5303
202-633-3556 (office)
202-281-8601 (cell)